Monday, January 26, 2009

My inauguration story

There will be many stories from inauguration day this year. I found mine as I watched the older Mr. Bush walking with his wife Barbara. I noticed his cane and then I saw his small steps. The old man shuffle was there.

He reminded me of Dad. Mr. Bush was smiling, looking around and seemed to be really having a good time, but he was having trouble walking for sure. Daddy could walk best when he had nothing else to distract him. But if there was something he was looking at all his body parts came to a halt. Even standing became difficult for him.

I continued to watch Mr. Bush as they came to the stairs they would have to go down and I got a little nervous for him. Barbara was going down the stairs ahead of him and I wanted her to take her husband's arm instead and stay closer to him.

Protective feelings for my Dad were coming out all over poor Mr. Bush. He passed between the two guards who were saluting him and I held my breath until he took hold of the railing going down the steps.

As I let out a breath, Mr. Bush stopped, smiled, let go of the rail, reached back with his right hand.......and patted the butt of the guard at the top of the steps!!!!!

As he continued down the steps, I started crying and laughing. Daddy was at the inauguration!!!! You go George!!

At least George USED his cane.

I miss you so much Dad.

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